lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

The change of languages (wk 5a)

The Spanish conquest of latin-america change the language of each Pre-columbian group to the Castillian (Spanish). The language is a very important thing for a country, it represents it, if that changes is like changing the entire nation, like converting it in another country!

When the lenguage change in Colombia it changed the culture too. At first when the native knew that the Spaniards didn’t understand anything they said, they began to translate their intentions and their knowledge. They did this by codes and signs. “Había aquí un ejercicio de transcripción y reducción del mundo Americano al mundo ibérico”. Colombia imágenes de su diversidad (1492 a hoy, Pg 56).

In XVI Century the use of the Castillian wasn’t standard, but in 1550 it was necessary to live. With this change in language, a lot of things change: like the religious centers, the politics, the relationship between the people and nature, and the economy.

One of the problems of why the language was changed was because each Pre-Columbian group had their own language and they couldn’t get together because they didn’t understand the other groups. When the Spaniards changed the languege, the groups began to talk with them between each other.

When the Spaniards came to Colombia they started a lot of fights for the power, and a lot of social confrontations. The American land was divided. “La ciudad no se circunscribia a un espacio factible de ser controlado por las autoridades residentes en ella sino que cubria un amplio numero de territorios haciendo que ellos se identificaran con lo que llegaría a ser una Provincia o Gobernación". Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1492 a hoy, Pg 62). And they began to create more laws and began to pay more attention to the health and cleanliness. They also came to America with black people who became slaves. “Ser indio, suponía estar adscrito a un resguardo o comunidad, ser mestizo suponía vivir al margen de la comunidad indígena mientras que ser forastero era ser un desconocido, un migrante, alguien cuya residencia se desconocía” Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1492 a hoy, pg 64). The country became a pyramid in which the land owners, the dealers and the miners were in the top, in the low part were the trade of prostitution, criminality, and the household jobs. So the country “es un centro de relaciones inter-etnicas, en donde pobres y ricos se mezclan en un Mercado de ofertas y demandas laborales”. Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1492 a hoy, pg 65).

To end this week's essay, I whant you to think for a second and ask to your self: How would be Colombia if the language wasn’t Spanish, if each group had their own language? Would it be better or worse?

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