jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

The slavery and Bolivar (wk15a)

The independence includes a lot of things, some good and others not so good. Simon Bolivar was a very important character in the independence; he was the general that motivated the countries to be independent.

Simon Bolivar made very useful things and he is very important to the countries of the “Gran Colombia”, he was the principal character that fight for his rights and for the rights of the country, but like all human beings, he also made some bad things (in my opinion), although at that time that was normal. He made the slaves become soldiers with nothing in exchanged. A lot of soldiers were killed because of the sicknesses and the little food, because of this reason Bolivar chose to use the slaves like soldiers.

At that time, when Bolivar decided to take the slaves like soldiers, there were few slaves, the masters that had slaves were giving them their freedom, “sin embargo, los que fueran llamados a las armas por el presidente de la republica, o hicieran algun servicio distinguido, entran desde luego en posesion de su libertad” Colombia imagenes diversidad ( 1492 a hoy), pg 152. It was converting into illegal to have slaves, only the state can take them if they need to, that was what Simon Bolivar made. Sime slaves after knowing this condition decided to enole the army before they were taken. “Y los esclavistas acentuaron sus resentimientos contra Bolivar y una vez pasó la guerra, buscaron una liberación con el pago de indemnización” Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1942 a hoy), pg 154

In April of 1820, Bolivar asked Santander to bring him 3000 slaves. Santander answer to this buy telling his fears. “El testimonio defiende la esclavitud por razones economicas. La independencia valia menos que lo intereses de los esclavistas” Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1492 a hoy), pg 150

The process of Independence (1808-1824) wasn`t the same in the entire continent. “En el norte de suramérica la independencia estuvo signada por un enfrentamiento abierto entre españoles y americanos. En cambio, en el virreinato del Perú, fue obra de una fuerza multinacional que reclutó hombres de Argentina, Chile y Colombia”. Colombia imagines de su diversidad (1492 a hoy), pg 156

So, the slaves at this time are finally getting their freedom. They can know make there own decisions, and do what ever they want in their lives.